Always On. Always Available. Always Fast.

Fully distributed PostgreSQL, optimized for the network edge.

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Always On. Always Available. Always Fast.

Fully distributed PostgreSQL, optimized for the network edge.


Standard Postgres


Open (Source Available)


Years Postgres Experience


Cloud Regions

The magic of pgEdge™

Combining native Postgres and a modern distributed architecture.


Reduce data latency

Speed response times by placing copies of your database close to your users.

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Achieve ultra-high availability

Easily deploy a high availability solution for disaster recovery and failover between and within cloud regions and zero downtime for maintenance.

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Enable multi-master (active-active) distributed

Improve performance and availability with multiple master databases spread across different locations.

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Meet data residency requirements

Keep local data local: control which tables are globally replicated, and which stay local.

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Scale applications geographically

Support higher throughput when workloads threaten to exceed available compute capacity.

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Supports your JAMStack architecture

Easily place databases at or near the edge with applications running on edge platforms such as Cloudflare, Fastly and Vercel.

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Your Choice of deployment

Fully managed cloud or self-hosted
pgEdge Cloud cluster-map

pgEdge Cloud: fully managed, fully distributed PostgreSQL

Our database-as-a-service (DBaas) offering is built on a multi-master (active-active), multi-region and multi-cloud architecture for low latency and ultra high availability. All pEdge nodes support both reads and writes and can be placed in any configuration on a virtual edge network spanning 100+ regions across AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

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pgEdge Platform CLI

pgEdge Platform: self-managed, fully distributed PostgreSQL.

For organizations that need or prefer to self-host and self-manage their databases, pgEdge Platform runs on-premises or in self-managed cloud provider accounts. Runs on numerous OS and hardware combinations, and enterprise-class support is available. Self-hosted Edge Platform nodes can also be part of a pgEdge Cloud Postgres cluster.

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See what others say about pgEdge

Bill Mitchell, CTO of PublicRelay, a SaaS media an

“We’ve been testing pgEdge for several months now as an early customer. We are excited by its ability to reduce page load times between the US and Europe, significantly improving the user experience for our international staff and customers.”

Bill Mitchell, CTO of PublicRelay, a SaaS media analytics company serving Fortune 500 customers

Dive deeper into pgEdge


Enhancing pgLogical with Multi-Master (Active-Active) Features


Distributed PostgreSQL Buyer's Guide: How to evaluate vendor claims of Postgres compatibility


Unlocking PostgreSQL 16 New Features

Get started today.

Experience the magic of pgEdge Distributed PostgreSQL now.